The Man, the Lion, the Goat and the Yams.

Vincent Edigin
2 min readJun 26, 2022

Once upon a situation, a man needed to transport a Goat, a Lion and Yams across a turbulent river. He realized that the the boat was not going to take all three items or else it would wreck in the turbulence. The little boat was only able to convey himself and one other item across successfully. So he was conflicted!

If he carries the Lion first, the Goat will eat up all the Yams before he gets back.

If he carries the Yams first, the Lion will eat up the Goat before he gets back.

Ahan! he will carry the Goat first since Lions don’t eat Yams and come back next for the Yams and then lastly the Lion. Oops! the Goat would have eaten up the Yams before he brings the Lion.

I know you want to help me out with this riddle but before you do, here’s more context on the situation:

1. The boat is worn and therefore fragile, so the man cannot load the boat with any item more than once.
2. The yams are Seed Yams, he needs them to plant on the other side and begin a new Life. So he cannot afford to have the Goat eat them up.

With the above revelation, you will discover that there is no scenario where it did not end in tears for the Man.

In reality, The Man represents the people, The Yams represents money and national resources, The Goat represents the political leaders and The Lion represents the Greed of these leaders. You will notice that the Lion doesn’t fit into the entire picture of The Man beginning a new Life on the other side.

If only our leaders in will let go of their oversized Greed and allow The people cross to the other side of their current situation where the can utilize available resources to create wealth and prosperity for themselves; if only!

