How to make profit from a crowd mentality Scenario

Crowd Mentality means the tendency of the people in a group to think and behave in ways that conform with others in the group rather than as individuals.
Is this god or bad? My answer is Yes and No. Yes because you get to benefit easy from a pre-validated business and No because you may have fallen prey to a Ponzi or worse, death trap.
But the purpose of this Article is not to exalt or run down the act of crowd mentality rather the aim is to show you how to profit from an obvious crowd mentality scenario.
First, let us learn from history:

In 1873, Levi Strauss joined the bandwagon of youths migrating to Northern California during a time known as “ The Gold Rush” but unlike the CROWD, he sells Blue Jeans. This new type of clothing promised to last longer. The company began promising that the pants would not rip, offering a new pair if they ever did. This saw hundreds of Mine workers make purchases.

Levi Jeans are still selling till date.
Levi’s story teaches us not to run in the opposite direction but step a little away from the crowd and seize the opportunity that it presents. One clear common opportunity of a crowd mentality scenario is selling allied goods or services. For example instead of creating a new football club in English Premier league, you could sell body insurance to football players. This way you avoid having to compete with top performing football clubs and instead, have the clubs as your customers. Or perhaps selling enterprise software to Fintech companies instead of creating your own fintech product.
The advantage of providing value to participants of a crowd action, trend or way of life is:
1) You get a lot of customers easy.
2) You become the common customer of competing parties.
3) You operate outside the direct risk graph.